Hi all,
I have a question related to my uncooled ASI178MC Camera, which I'm using in an AllSkyCam configuration.
Since I want to use the camera not only for Night-Exposures (this is already working nicely and I'm really happy with the Camera's features), but also at daylight, experimenting with HDR Imaging, I need very short exposure times to minimize overexposure for hdr imaging.
According to the camera control readouts I got from the SDK (I'm using the nice Python bindings by Steve Marple) and to the datasheet, the minimum exposure time is 32 microseconds.
However if I run a focus scale with e.g. 32, 50, 100 and 200 microseconds (see attached images, with number after underscore indicating the exposure time, the 50 microsecond image is not included because of the limitation on number of attachments, and the images are compressed from the original 48bit color png images to scaled down jpg images) only the 200 microsecond exposure is showing any difference in histogram and overall brightness.
It seems like the 32, 50, and 100 microsecond exposures are identical.
I tried already different capturing methods (e.g. snapshot and video capture) but to no avail.
Autoexposure and autogain is off. Gain is zero, Bandwidth setting does not change anything, Hardware bin is the default zero, HighSpeedMode is off, Monobin is zero as well, and any change to the Offset is not changing anything as well (as expected).
The attached images are taken with the "capture" routine of Steve's Library (see https://github.com/stevemarple/python-zwoasi/blob/master/zwoasi/__init__.py) and read into an numpy buffer for further processing, so timing should be not an issue as well.
I'm a bit at a loss, what else to try, any additional ideas?
Best regards,
Rainer Minixhofer