In case they're helpful to someone else, I have pulled together scripts etc. to build .deb and .rpm versions of the camera and filter wheel SDKs here:
I've applied a few patches in the process:
1) Split the SDKs into two packages each -- one for runtime and one for development
2) Added pkg-config files for both libraries to allow build software for other projects to get the correct include/library paths
3) Changed the udev rule to increase the usbfs memory to a minimum of 256MB so that it doesn't reduce the memory available if it is already set higher
4) Replaced the udev rules that set device permissions change to 0666 and instead use the "uaccess" tag. Having globally-writeable device files isn't something that's ever made me happy. As I understand it, the uaccess tag is now the "right way" to do it.
It is a long way from perfect, but some things aren't easily fixable when working with binaries.
I can probably make packages available for a number of environments if people are keen (some I do already for oacapture/oalive etc.).