I'm trying to get the SDK up an running on my machine. I am running Fedora 29, and I have installed OpenCV2 with developer stuff and have also downloaded the ZWO ASI SDK. I am simply trying to run one of the demos. In the demo directory, I run Make, and then I see a main_SDK2_video_mac along with some warnings. However, when I try to run it, I see this:
./main_SDK2_video_mac: error while loading shared libraries: libASICamera2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I note that the readme.txt says this: "If libASICamera2.so or (.dylib) can't be found at run time, resolve by delow two ways:
1.Add a .conf file that contains the path of the library to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, run ldconfig.
2.Add compile option -Wl,-rpath=<library path>"
However, I don't know what this means. How do I implement either of those solutions?
Additionally, I see three .cpp files: main_SDK2_snap.cpp , main_SDK2_video.cpp, and main_SDK2_video_mac.cpp; I see the final one being made. Do I have to change something in the Makefile to make the other two programs? What does main_SDK2_video_mac do, compared to the other ones? I assume the _snap.cpp is a program that takes one frame and _video.cpp is one that take a video.