I haven't been using this little gem for very long but so far I'm liking it very much. I've already found a few features I'd like to see though:
1. The ability to set how far from the meridian the flip is performed. If you have a long scope and the filter wheel is at an unlucky angle, the default setting allows the filter wheel to impact the tripod leg.
2. The ability to force the meridian flip to be performed at the start of an imaging autorun so it doesn't happen when you're half an hour into the imaging run.
3. After plate solve, put an RA/DEC grid overlay on the image, or maybe just the axes. That'll make framing the image much easier.
4. Put a timer showing the remaining time of the the imaging autorun on the main screen so you don't have to go into the autorun menu.
5. Allow the user to mark a star and display it's FWHM value on the main screen so you can check for focus drift during an autorun. Maybe also provide an alarm if the FWHM exceeds a user-defined value?