Lain402 To be honest, I'm brand new to the hobby and this was my first time using any of the gear (new mount, asiair plus, guide scope, etc). That said, I did notice occasional minor delays, but I don't think it was to that level (that i recall at least). When I was watching the plan in action, I do recall there being a short delay after the asiair said a sub was done and the camera "clicked" that it was done the shot. I feel like it was closer to 3-5 seconds though, and chalked that up to new user learning. If that doesn't happen with your other Nikons, maybe there's still some work to be done.
Aside from that - I didn't even try to use the z6ii for PA. I swapped to using my guide scope as main cam for that, as the Z6ii image copy time alone would make that near impossible (3-4 secs xfer per shot). When it was plate solving, there was definitely not a delay between when it took a shot and when the solve started.
When I get some more time, I'll try connecting the camera again and do that test.