This is my first post here so I take this opportunity to say hello.
This object is in the constellation Cassiopeia, about 7,500 light years away.
It is an open star cluster that has very powerful stars, mainly HD 15629 and especially HD 15570, considered the most massive and luminous star in our galaxy with a luminosity of almost 3 million times to the Sun.
SHO palette - 11hs30'
RC 10" + AP x0,67 reducer
iOptron Cem 60-EC
ZWO ASI 1600 MM Pro
ZWO OAG + ASI 290MM Mini
ZWO EFW + Astronomik NB Filters 6nm
César Pérez/Gaw
Full resolution: https://www.flickr.com/photos/188836304@N06/50705246852//