Hello from Portugal,
Please allow SER format in video mode or, at least, 24bit AVI files. For lunar and planetary imaging, 8-bit AVI format is not enough. If a color camera is used, namely a 462MC with extended IR sensitivity like in my case, to have the ability to only grab 8bit AVIs is frustrating. Frame rate (FPS) as it is now (at 8 bit AVIs) is OK, and it shouldn´t be lowered when higher bit formats are eventually provided. Also, please allow filter name customization in Asiair Pro, or at least the possibility to reset filter number in the app. Currently, if one changes filter number (1-5) with an allowed letter(L, R,...), it is not possible to revert the situation. Finally, for low light/night landscape imaging, live stacking mode without star alignment would be great (just allow an "on" or "off" switch as in the PC suite).
Thank you
A. Cidadão