There are several problems that can occur when AAP is capturing subs during AutoRun.
Most, if not all telescopes change focus when imaging for hours.
A cloud may can obscure the target for a period of time.
Guiding can be lost and the target can move considerably before a new guide star is acquired.
All these things can make the following subs unusable.
Is it possible that sometime in the future we can have AAP automatically check for these events and take the appropriate actions?
AAP could take a short 3 second image after each long sub in AutoRun and check:
if the FWHM is getting higher compared to previous images, trigger an autofocus. (No need to measure temperature or lose time refocus regularly).
if the image (plate solved) has shifted significantly, and re-center.
if the target is obscured (clouds or neighbors house, etc.) giving a low star count, and pause autorun. Rechecking regularly if the stars return, re-center, refocus, un-pause autorun.
I think it would be a great feature, increasing the reliability and improving the overall quality of the subs collected.