I'm using a ZWO OAG, ZWO helical focuser and ASI112MM mini with the AAP.
I find that the preselected guiding values used by the AAP, while suitable for most with a guidescope, do not work reliably with a OAG.
For example, when guiding is started, AAP has difficulty identifying usable stars, even when I customize gain and exposure to reasonable values used by PHD2. AAP guiding with an OAG image currently tends to recognize hot pixels and tries to multitrack on them over other visible stars. I cannot get multistar guiding to work with the current configuration even with multiple stars visible in the guiding image.
The problem appears to be the unchangable settings used by AAP.
Is it possible to provide a switch on the guiding menu to select "OAG" or "Guidescope", so the more appropriate settings can be used by OAG users?