Parrain Does the problem still exist? It works well on my PC. Could you provide screenshots or record videos?
@asistudio@zwo#48267 Can you assure us that this closed source release does not contain any pirated open source software in violation of copyright law? (as accused by the you-tube channel "Ancient Photons") I'd like to know this before I buy one of your cameras.
How do I download the older versions of ASI AIR Studio? I would like to have pictures sorted by date in the ASI Fit View. In the new version, pictures are sorted by name, which is not convenient for me. @asistudio@zwo#53744
Jake Thank you for your suggestion! We will take it into consideration.
Jake History version:
I am using a 462 on a mac; the new version of asistudio 1.5.6 works ONLY for the planetary software, all other parts work casually in mac and win10; the programs see the camera BUT they generally do not keep and show images ; only the asicap works correctly; is there an error ?
When an autoguiding program and plate solve?
@asistudio@zwo#53747 After the focus calibration is finished, how do I know if the EAF corrects the focus during shooting?