I have this exact same problem with the ASI533MM. SGP responded as follows:
I think I recall now that others have had this issue. There is a problem with the driver here. It’s not implemented according to ASCOM standards and, because of this, it fails. It’s not clear immediately how values up to 30 make it into the list, but what we do know is this:
[06/05/22 08:51:21.981][DEBUG][Main Thread][NONE] Camera implements ASCOM gain. Current gain is 100
That’s a good start. Then… from the ASCOM specification:
When Offset is operating in OFFSET VALUE mode OffsetMin must return the camera's lowest valid Offset setting.
When SGPro queries this value, we find:
[06/05/22 08:51:22.283][DEBUG][Main Thread][NONE] Failed to fetch ASCOM camera offsets from min / max. Failed to get camera offset! : Property read ASCOM.ASICamera2.Camera OffsetMin is not implemented in this driver.
With emphasis on:
OffsetMin is not implemented in this driver
I am using ZWO_ASCOM_Setup_V6.5.1.8, but I have an old copy of V6.5.1.5. Does the old rev fix the problem? Will it introduce other problems with 2600/533?