cpl43uk I really hate asking for any new features, because it seems to me ZWO should already have it's hands full, just working to get what we already have, operate more reliably .............. HOWEVER this is one new feature I would love to see. While my guiding has dramatically improved this past year, it can still be the source of a lot of frustration some nights. With my mount, and OTA, ( Ioptron CCEM25ec, and WO GT71 ), I can easily get very decent 3-5 minute subs, where I do most of my imaging, unguided. I usually guide just to be able to dither. While I do enjoy watching a good guiding graph, waiting for a new image to download, I am not imaging for that reason! By all means it seems to me that being able to dither both with, or without guiding, would be a great option for many of us.