dseaman6745T I thought wider field guided systems like the ZWO mini guide scope needed longer Calibration steps in order to see star movement during the calibration process?
That is true, when all else is equal.
Remember that the "Calibration steps" is in terms of the duration (milliseconds) of a calibration pulse at the Guide Rate. So, the same Calibration steps duration will move the mount by twice as much (in terms of arc seconds in the sky) if you use a Guide rate of 1x sidereal instead of 0.5x sidereal rate, for example.
1x sidereal rate moves at 15 arc-seconds per 1000 milliseconds of time. At 0.5x guide rate, the mount will move by 37.5 arc-seconds in 5000 milliseconds.
You want each calibration pulse to move a star by about 2 pixels on your sensor. PHD2 will try to move the star by 25 pixels during calibration; so the 2 pixels per calibration pulse will finish calibration in 12 or 13 steps.
You can use this tool to determine the pixel scale (arc-seconds per pixel) for your guide scope:
Select Imaging Mode, and select any Messier object (M1 will do; the tool won't produce a result unless you have chosen an object first). Enter the focal length of your guide scope and the guide camera that you use.
Then look at the result for the "Resolution". It will be in arc-seconds per pixel.
From what I mentioned earlier, you want to scope to move about 2 pixels per calibration pulse. The plate scale will convert that to arc-seconds per calibration pulse.
For example, if the plate scale is 6" per pixel, and you want 2 pixels, then you want to move 12 arc-seconds per pulse.
If you use 0.5x sidereal rate as the guide rate, this 12 arc-seconds corresponds to 12/(15*0.5) = 1.6 seconds. So,for this example, you will want to use a Calibration Pulse of 1600 milliseconds.
Get your own guide pixel scale and plug all the numbers in for your particular case. I suspect 5000 milliseconds is way too long even for a small guide scope.
ASIAIR has all the available data (guide scope focal length, pixel size of guide camera, and guide rate of mount) to determine the Calibration pulse duration. I don't know why ZWO won't just use those parameters to determine the Calibration pulse automatically, given that their silly mantra is "Simple as 1,2,3."