Hi There,
I’ve not been imaging since March 2021, but I had no issues with Sequence Generator and my ASI equipment then. (I have been using Sequence Generator for a long time now with my ASI equipment)
Since then I have upgraded to the latest version of Sequence Generator, ASI drivers, and ASCOM version.
Tonight I was unable to get Sequence Generator to connect to my ASI equipment (ASI1600MM, ASI120MC, FW, and EAF). I can connect to all of them successfully with the ASCOM diagnostic software (see attached image).
For example, I will select the AIS Camera and then click on the configure tool. Then I get the following error message “Error getting properties dialog. Check DotNetExceptions ASCOM.ASICamera2_2.Camera SetupDialog System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘TiFra.Diagnostic’ thre an exception.”
When I click on Connect I get the following error message “Error connecting to ASI Camera (2)!”
I have tried Sequence Generator Pro, Sequence Generator (32-bit), and Sequence Generator (64-bit). All have the same error.
PHD successfully connects to the ASI cameras using ASCOM. Was also able to use SharpCap to connect and use the cameras, but I think it uses the ASI driver and not the ASCOM driver.
I uninstalled all the drivers, the ASCOM software, and Sequence Generator. Then reinstalled everything, same issue.
- Windows 11 64bit
- ZWO_ASCOM_Setup_V6.5.2
- ZWO_ASI_Cameras_driver_Setup_V3.18
- ASCOM Platform 6.6
- Sequence Generator Pro, Sequence Generator (32-bit), and Sequence Generator (64-bit)
Errors from SGP:

Successful Diagnostic from ASCOM:

Any guidance please.