I have to admit that ever since I am using the ASIAIR, my sessions are way more enjoyable and contain significantly less amount of frustrations. One of the things where ASIAIR helped a lot is the target location. Unfortunately I do not have a GOTO mount so I need to locate all the objects manually. Typically, I am using a combination of a piece of paper with target coordinates (somehow I cannot remember all the numbers), 5s exposures followed by plate solving, adjusting RA and DEC and repeating until I am where I want to be. Although this approach is a huge improvement compared to what I did before, still I believe there is a space for improvement.
It would be very nice to have some assistive mode to help those of us without GOTO mount. I can imagine to adjust desired location/framing in the build-in sky atlas and instead of hitting the GoTo button, there can be something like GuideTo button. The ASIAIR then automatically takes 5s exposures, plate solves and shows how much should I move from current position. It can either be directly visualized in the sky atlas or similarly to current polar alignment mode. Such technique would be very comfortable and can even save lots of time since there would be no need to download the photos into a phone or tablet and "manually" plate solve.
Many thanks if you consider this in any future revision! But event if not, still a great tool 🙂