Warning beeps from the AM% are far too loud and, with the pitch of the sound, travels far enough to disturb my neighbours at night. Is there any way of reducing the volume and possibly the pitch of the beep. Alternatively can I cover the buzzer with a piece of dense foam ?

Software selectable via a firmware update would be great.


    robertm Thank you for the suggestion, noted this and will add a feature so you can set the volume.

    @ASIMount@ZWO#58847 Really? A beep too loud is a serious enough problem to make somebody from ZWO to respond and say it is taken into consideration but backlash compensation on a backlash free mount is not important.
    Ignoring an issue won't make it go away - it will only upset the users more and more.

      Hi, enaiman,
      Sorry for the trouble, but I did not quite get your meaning, can you elaborate the backlash problem? Will bring back your feedback to the team.

      Thank you very much ASIMount@zwo

      15 days later

      I have to agree with "Robert". Definitely too loud for the early hours of the morning in a crowded community. A volume control that also allows shutting off the beep completely would be appreciated!


        I would appreciate this feature in ASCOM too.

          2 months later

          Thank you for the feedback. Do you mean ASIMount controller in ASIStudio?
          We are adding it to the ASIMount app, and this will be released soon.

            a month later

            MichaelLev I meant the standalone pc ascom controller.

            Got it, and conveyed it to the team. Currently, you can set the beep in ASI Mount App to mute it.
            The team is addidng this feature to the ASCOM.

              2 years later

              I've just acquired an am3 and this incessant beep is driving me crazy, at first it was just after slewing, then at the end of my session I found it was beeping constantly, yes I know there's low voltage, it's still working fine as do my other mounts but they don't complain about it.

              Settings are mute in numerous areas (asiair and Stargazing app as I believe there is no longer a mount specific app), it still keeps beeping. Firmwares are up to date, you'd expect such an option to be in the AMH management section of the Stargazing app, but no.

              Using mains power fixes the issue, but the option to make a racket should be a user defined option, not switched on all the time.

              @Tech@ZWO @ASIMount@ZWO Is anyone there?!? The tags aren't even working.

                Astrop I am so sorry for your trouble, The design intention of "muting off" is to prevent your equipment from being damaged or shooting failure due to unnoticed low voltage beep during shooting, which would be a very serious accident. Would you accept if we reduce the current beep sound to a sufficiently low level to avoid disturbing those around you instead of completely "muting off"?

                  ASIMount@ZWO Would you accept if we reduce the current beep sound to a sufficiently low level to avoid disturbing those around you instead of completely "muting off"?

                  I've replied to this in my dedicated thread:

                  "It needs to be very very quiet if so, quieter than the asiairs quietest beep setting as even that's quite loud in the middle of the night."

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