I think ASIAIR is great and thank you for its continued development. For me, and others I suspect, the ability to adjust a few more PHD2 settings would be very welcome. The philosophy of keeping ASIAIR as simple to use as possible undoubtedly has much merit but perhaps it should not be ignored that plenty of experienced people also enjoy using the ecosystem you’ve created.
I would like to suggest that the inclusion of at least min move and a choice of guiding algorithms would be a positive addition to the PHD2 module. Not only could this improve guiding performance but it could well be educational and dare I say it, fun, for many intermediate and advanced users.
I appreciate you may be wary of too many options leading to confusion and support requests from some users but if this is the case could such options not be classified as something like advanced/at your own risk/unsupported etc?
Now that planetary imaging is supported on the more recent versions of the platform the only reason I still use a PC is to experiment with guiding but I’d be really happy if I could do that on my ASIAIR Plus and get rid of Windows headaches forever 😊
Thank you very much for considering this request.