Just installed a new setup
C8 Edge – 0,7 FR - T Adapter – ZWO OAG – ZWO EFW – ASI1633 MM pro
The backfocus is OK for the 1600MM Pro
I'm strugling having the OAG guide camera (ASI 120 mini) in focus
I searched the web and it seems that the 120mini is far to be the best choice
But I use it on other setups, so I try to use it on the C8 before going the easy way
I tried :
With and without the 1,25 extension tube,
With and withour the 1,25 helical focuser
With and without the sensor protecting plate
There is no way for me to have the right focus position
I'm wondering if I miss something (Perhaps on the imaging train setup.....)
Have some of you been abble to have this same setup working
All comment will be helpful
Clear sky