Using the "SkyWatcher SynScan" or "SkyWatcher SynScan Beta" with a SynScan V5 Hand Controller Update
I have an update using the SynScan V5 hand controller with the Virtuoso Telescope. I assume V4 of the Hand Controller and the AT-GTi SkyWatcher mount in Alt-Az mode should work the same.
One very important thing to note. There are 2 alignment processes in the Hand Controller, "Brightest Star" which is a 3 star alignment, which I did not know. And the 2 Star Alignment. I used a USB 2.0 from the Hand Controller to the ASIAIR USB 2.0 port.
IMPORTANT: Before you can even connect the mount in the ASIAIR app, you MUST complete an alignment, even a bad one. It will FAIL to connect to the mount if you do not complete at least one of the alignments.
SkyWatcher SynScan mount setting
I did not spend too much time with this one as it did not have any tracking options available for it. It did however let you manually slew in different speeds from 1x to Max (about 600x).
SkyWatcher SynScan Beta mount setting
This mount setting seemed to be the best fit from all the mounts and connections I have tried so far. I first star-aligned the telescope using the Hand Controller and the laser finder on the telescope and the 2 star alignment option. Once that was completed, I worked my way on the Hand Controller to Menu, and Tracking to make sure tracking was set to "Sidereal" and that tracking was on.
After I ran the ASIAIR app and connected it using the SkyWatcher SynScan Beta mount in Serial mode and 9600 baud. It connected right away. I then GoTo'ed my first target and it was off by a little. Plate solving worked well and the tracking light was on and green. Make sure your HC is not in the middle of a star alignment or other setup option or it might not turn on tracking correctly. Also you do not need the PC direct option here.
I could manually slew, but from 1x to 6x speed. It only went to 10x speed, but at 7+ the manual slew buttons no longer rotated the telescope. Since I'm using GoTo, which does slew much faster, this was not much of an issue for me although it should still be fixed.
It tracked properly and I was able to EAA the moon, mars, and M31 without any problems last night.
If you have a Virtuoso and want to run Alt-Az but cant wait for ZWO to fix the other mount settings I described in the previous post than this may be the way to go.
If you have the AT-GTi and want to run it in Alt-Az mode this may also work for you as the hand controllers seem to be the same between these 2 telescopes.