@ASIAIR@ZWO#60614 can I be confident a solution is forthcoming, or should I return this mount and get something different before I run out of time?

    Watching this post. Is this just a lottery draw kind of thing, a certain death sentence for your SA GTi and it's just a matter time, or we know the specific combinations of ASIAir software and SA GTi firmware versions that don't play well with each other?

    NGL, as a developer myself I'm aghast and incredulous at how this (an ASIAir possibly bricking mounts) is even possible. Will ZWO take responsibility if their software bricks a mount, and if yes, how? Yes we SA GTi users might be relatively small fry in this hobby, but can you imagine how people will react when their AA+/Pro bricks their 4-5 digit fancy-pants mount?

    tbhausen It could need more time to fix it. Such as one or two months before the next release.

    @ASIAIR@ZWO#60646 Thank you for your reply. Can we be confident that the problems will be solved, and that we won't damage our Star Adventurer GTi mounts in the meantime by controlling them with ASiair devices?

    +1 on the confirmation. I know releasing stuff especially for mobile takes time (approval from Apple and Google take... a week? each IIRC); but do the developers have a general idea what went wrong, and if it will have a lasting effect on the SA GTI (eg bricking the SA GTI because the ASIAir overwrote something stored in the SA GTI's silicon)?


    +2, Very curious. Seemed to work the other night but hesitant to do it again.

    tbhausen Hey, Do you remember the dew heater you have on the guide scope? Thats the perfect size. Thank you!

      DaxTheDuke Dew-Not DN02 (6.5”)… the one they recommend for 1.25” eyepieces. Yes, the length is dead perfect for the 30F4.

      Guys, we got a new FW from SkyWatcher, which fixed some communication issues. Please update your mount to this version to try again. FYI, this FW was not published by SkyWatcher yet, but it's safe to do the update.


      @ASIAIR@ZWO#60702 Thanks! Successful update, ill try it out tonight or tomorrow when the clouds part. Appreciate your help!

        Edit: we posted at the same time... so now we have two methods posted for everyone.

        marcdota I'm not @DaxTheDuke but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night 😄

        To update, you don't need SynScan hand controller, serial-to-USB cable, or anything other than a Windows PC with Wi-Fi. Go here and download Wi-Fi version of motor controller loader: http://www.skywatcher.com/download/software/motor-control-firmware/ and also download the file ASIAIR@ZWO posted up-thread. Unzip them. Power up your mount and connect the PC to its Wi-Fi. Run the motor controller loader and point to the unzipped firmware file. Use the loader to check your version (it'll probably be 3.37). Run the update and power off your mount when prompted. Turn mount back on and check version (should be 3.42). Any questions, just shout. Good luck! I just did it no problem.

          tbhausen have you tried out how the mount performs? Or does the get-new-gear-get-clouds curse also extend to new software lol

          Tagging @aldor-photo in case he hasn't seen this yet

            marcdota of course it does! Cold and cloudy here (first dusting of snow here this year fell this morning).

            🤣 🤣 🤣

            Bumping this to the top for some cats on social media that are trying to find it…

            All worked like a charm! First time every setting up guiding on the gti and it was a joy, very good night for a quick few hours. Thanks again!

              DaxTheDuke LMK what you're guiding with and what kind of guiding accuracy you're able to achieve, please.