Swizerlan I think it would be very helpful to create a browser based gui to log into asi air via ip address so we can get and modify simple info like ip address and what the air should do if it detects ethernet connection.
INDIGO does exactly this. On macOS, INDIGO uses Bonjour (zero-conf), so you don't even need to know the IP address, just the host name ("indigo.local"), and a port number (INDIGO uses port 7624 for HTTP).
The HTTP server in INDIGO (or Raspberry Pi version, called INDIGO Sky) allows you to select the INDI or INDIGO drivers, and ability to switch between Hotspot or station mode (and sepcify SSID, etc).
The HTTP server also lets you control devices (like camera cooling), and capture and preview images from connected cameras, control filter wheels and electronic focusers. The mount interface shows a star chart and includes dome control, The guider interface lets you auto-guide.
All of that in the (web) HTTP interface.
That said, I prefer to use INDIGO through my own macOS program :-).