NDB wrote:If you added a crayford, this lengthens the optics/sensor distance, and the focusing may not be achieved any more.
This doesn't work quite the same with an SCT or Mak. As Piotr alludes to in an earlier post, SCTs focus by moving the focal plane to meet the eyepiece or camera whereas newts and refractors for example focus by moving the eyepiece or camera to the focal plane. This means that generally an SCT can reach focus whatever position your camera is in. My C9.25 for example will reach focus with the camera directly on the visual back, or with a secondary focuser, flip mirror, 2x barlow and filter wheel in front of the camera.
What does happen is that as you change the camera postition, the effective focal length of the system changes when the image is in focus. The only really reliable way for the average person to work out the actual focal length used for an image from a camera on an SCT or Mak is to count the number of pixels in the image of the target and from the current angular size of the target work out the number of pixels per arcsecond for the image, then work backwards to find the focal length that would give that image scale.