From a thread I started in the ASI Mount forum. This is regarding the Android app (and problaby IOS). These would all be feature requests if I haven't missed the features in my ignorance.
-No scrollbars in the object lists. Huge problem if you want to get to the middle or end.
-No way to save favorites or create a viewing list.
-Can't search for stars by designation like "Iota Cass", including an incomplete name like Cass because of all the various spellings of the rest of that name! I have to find it in the map by scrolling around and then tap it. Not always easy in the dark.
-Can't search by common name like Orion Nebula. What if I don't know its other designations?
-Red screen mode? C'mon, some of us want to be dark adapted. I know this limits certain visual cues, but give us the option.