Last night was my first night with my new Asiair Mini. Imaging cam was 2600MC, guide cam was 174MM. Imaging scope was an AT60ED and all went wonderfully. The system guided my iEQ30Pro really well, images were recorded, wine was drunk in my recliner inside. Cool.
Tonight, I swapped out my C8, which necessitated moving the AAMini further from the cameras. And, so, longer cables. Everything worked fine EXCEPT the guide cam wouldn't send an image to the AAMini. I got a message that Image Refresh Failed because either 1) The camera works abnormally; 2) The USB or HUB port connected to the camera is abnormal; or 3) the cable connecting the camera is too long or damaged.
I read online that power can be an issue. So I powered everything directly. AAMini was powering nothing. I swapped cables around. The cable orginally in the guide cam worked fine with the imaging cam. I swapped cables in ports on the AAMini. The imaging cam and mount worked fine in all 4 ports. I plugged the 174MM in my laptop and used sharpcap to verify that the camera works (and I'd spent a few hours imaging the sun earlier in the day with the 174).
Anyway, I'm stumped. Has anyone seen this error and solved it? I feel like I've checked everything that could be wrong: ports, cables, camera. But it worked the night before. Any help appreciated.