SigurdG Seems like ASIAIR does not like Barlows.
Works fine with my Barlows. Of all the problems with ASIAIR (so numerous that I don't recommend the ASIAIR), the use of Barlows is not one of them.
What is your plate scale?
ZWO's documentation says ASIAIR requires an FOV of larger than 0.2º x 0.2º to plate solve. If you have the original ASIAIR, then the FOV needs to be 0.4º x 0.4º or larger.
Remember that Barlows have a defined backfocus -- if you use a longer backfocus, a 2x Barlow will generate greater than 2x magnification. And that could really increase your plate scale if you are not careful with the backfocus distance.
Some telecentric "Barlows" can have moderately constant magnification factor (I have a Televue PowerMate that does that, and a couple of other Televue PowerMates that don't ). Most Barlows, especially cheap onces, will not have constant magnification however. Check the spec sheets of your Barlow.
The shape of your stars seems to point to a cheap Barlow, and you may not even have a spec sheet.