Have 'upgraded' from heq5 pro to AM5 but I just cant get good results from the AM5.
I have random spikes all over the shop all pretty consistent sizes though.
as can be seen from this section of guiding graph , dithering is enabled, but between dithers have marked spikes with green circles as you can see 7/12 subs are unusable due to guiding spikes. Even with the spikes the RMS is good around .5 arc seconds.
This was on a windless night, cables secure, everything is tight, tripod is a HEQ5 Pro tripod so pretty heavy (compared to the carbon ones), PE200, scope is 100mm ED refractor 900mm FL, asi 120mm guide cam, 50mm 190mm fl svbony guide scope. using asiair plus . guide exposure 1 second with 55% guide rate. my PA was good did it twice, under 30 arc seconds.
I have tried half second guide rates, have tried lower % rates higher rates etc. I can get some improvements in the guiding RMS, but the spikes persist! this image happens to have all the spikes in RA, but sometimes in dec too, but much less often.
If it was seeing the spikes wouldnt all be along one axis, I can see in the images the stars all mostly elongated along the RA axis 🙁

zoom in on some spikes

a Dec error for good measure

my PE report isnt great but isnt terrible .