Here's a list of things I'd love to see implemented in the ASIAIR:
- Prefered focusing filter(s). Right now, the ASIAIR focuses with whatever filter is currently in use. My filters are parafocal. Rather than wasting time on ASIAIR attempting to see stars through a narrowband filter, I would like to have it switch to my luminance filter for focusing. I can also see the use for potentially focusing with a red filter instead of Ha or SII, likewise green or blue instead of OIII or Hb since parafocal filters aren't necessarily parafocal in faster scopes.
- Filter Offsets. Along the same line as the prefered focusing filter(s) request, have the option to run the focuser a pre-determined number of steps.
- More Advanced Plan Mode. My preferred method of mono imaging is to setup a 1 hour loop. Right now, I have to add the same target multiple times and copy the loop to each copy of the target. I would much rather have the option to set up a loop and have it run x number of times or until a pre-set stop time.
- Multi-Scope Imaging Support. My current dream setup involves one refractor shooting mono with L, Ha, SII, OIII, and another shooting OSC on one mount. Currently, I'd have to switch to NINA and a windows mini-pc to accommodate synchronized imaging. While I understand that this is beyond a single ASIAIR, possibly just for number of USB ports, I don't see why two ASIAIR's couldn't be synchronized over a common wired/wireless network. One would function normally, effectively controlling a normal imaging setup (primary). The other would just be connected to a camera, filter wheel (maybe), and focuser (secondary). When the primary ASIAIR decides it's time to dither, it verifies that the secondary isn't capturing an image. When the primary decides it's time to refocus, it tells the secondary to refocus as well. Might need exposure times to be multiples for simplicity in keeping the two ASIAIRs synced, but it's better than wasting exposures on one while focusing/dithering the other.