<Full Disclosure> I am in the in process of troubleshooting an AAP/Camera disconnect issue.
In my autoplan on my AAP last night (M101 with multiple filters), I had ticked the box/slider to send mount home when complete (GoTo Home POS). During the autorun process, when switching between Green filter and Blue filter, the AAP started the AAF sequence. Camera disconnected, reconnected on its own, then went to home position and autorun sequence ended. Has anyone experienced this? Or do I chalk this up to the AAP/camera disconnect issue I am suffering from? Here are the logs below...
2023/04/26 00:28:52 Filter change, Grn change to Blue
2023/04/26 00:28:54 [Guide] Dither
2023/04/26 00:28:54 [Guide] Dither Settle
2023/04/26 00:29:06 [Guide] Settle Done
2023/04/26 00:29:06 Start Tracking
2023/04/26 00:29:06 [Guide] Stop Guiding
2023/04/26 00:29:06 [AutoFocus|Begin] Run AF when filter changed, Grn changed to Blue, exposure 3.0s Bin2, temperature 14.6℃
2023/04/26 00:29:06 Find Focus Star
2023/04/26 00:29:09 "ZWO ASI294MM Pro" is Disconnected
2023/04/26 00:29:09 [AutoFocus|End] Auto focus failed
2023/04/26 00:29:09 [Autorun|End] Pause Autorun
2023/04/26 00:29:09 [Guide] Stop Looping
2023/04/26 00:29:19 "ZWO ASI294MM Pro" is Connected
2023/04/26 00:29:24 [Guide] ReSelect Guide star
2023/04/26 00:29:25 [Guide] Start Guiding
2023/04/26 00:29:28 Mount GoTo Home POS
2023/04/26 00:29:28 Stop Tracking
Log disabled at 2023/04/26 00:29:28