Every night prior to midnight I have been losing the connection to guide camera and EAF. Unfortunately all of the images taken prior to this also get lost. (This also has me baffled). My Autorun always resets to 0/???. None of the images prior to the device drop show up on the USB flash drive.
Typically everything holds together after I drop down and add back the ZWO guide camera or EAF and slide this back to active.
This has been happening now for several weeks.
I have looked at the app's voltage monitor which always shows 13.1 as well as looking at the amps and watts. I never have looked at this when the devices get dropped.
I have considered that possibly this is related to Meridian Flip???
It is just strange that this has occurred almost exclusively just once an evening.
My device is connected by ethernet to a travel router.
My ASIAIR has all of its USB ports filled. I also am using a Pegasus Pocket Box Advanced device which has a couple more USB ports filled as well as powering 2 dew heaters. The PPBA receives it's power from a Jackery Battery and the PPBA sends the power on to the ASIAIR device. Since the ASIAIR maintains a constant 13.1 volts I am thinking that this is feeding properly.
I have run into different issues while imaging with ASIAIR but they are very intermittent so I don't think they are related to my main issue.
I would appreciate any ideas on what could be going on. Perhaps there might be settings that might be incorrect?