For the ASIAIR Plus, we need to have the dew heater power port (any of the power ports that are assigned to a dew heater) have a software control that turns it on when 5 degrees above the dew point for your location (asiair needs to read this from the internet) or lower temp, then turns it off when exceeding 5 degrees above the dew point temp. This would save much battery power to only turn on dew heater when its needed (near the dew point and below).
So, 5 degrees above dew point and below, need heater power connection turned on, and then 5 degrees above dew point and higher turn that power off, because its not needed.
And have the 5 degrees above dew point user-updatable, so say they could set that at 7 if desired, then that would become to on/off point.
The dew-point is a stated temperature point at which dew forms at your location, and it can be found on many websites. This point changes each night, so a current value is needed for each location.