There are several post on ASIAIR mini/Plus and WiFi Issues. My issue is a bit different.
I have an Avalon StarGO2 Pro (SG2) mount controller which has its own WiFi. When I connect its WiFi to the ASIAIR mini, it stays connected for a few seconds, I can slew for that time and then the WiFi disconnects again. This is for a portable setup out in the field.
What works is the following (tested at home, not in the field):
1) ASIAIR mini and SG2 both part of my home (guest) network. No issues at all. I can access both without drop outs and the ASIAIR mini has a stable connection to the mount. Distance between the two: less than a 1m.
2) To check the WiFi of each device: Separate hotspots from the SG2 and the ASIAIR. No issues working with two devices (iPad/iPhone) and Macbook, but then, of course, the ASIAIR does not "see" nor talk to the mount, because there is no common network.
3) Side remark: I tried to switch the ASIAIR mini to 2.4GHz for a potentially more stable network, but it keeps switching back to the 5GHz after a few seconds...
All this shows (IMHO) that each WiFi device works properly, but the ASIAIR mini cannot keep a stable connection with the SG2 and/or vice versa.
This drove me nuts last night while trying to take images of the Supernova in M101.
BTW, at home, the SG2 and my ASIAIR Pro are both connected via Ethernet cables to a WiFi satellite. That works perfectly and reliably. For out-in-the-field, I want to use the Mini and its 5GHz hotspot.
Any help is appreciated.