Hello. Its my first post here. I have some problems with my AA plus. Git CG 5 GT mount and 200mm Lens on canon 1100d. AA plus is my new ,,toy". Tried to get IT up last night. The mount is connected with the aa with no problem. The issue is getting up when im trying to do the polar aligment. The mount is up to the ncp by my hand and im shooting one pict to see if its good. Polar star was in the middle of my pict. The program seys that the option plate solve needs to be up when doing the pa. Im using plate solve. Took 2 sec and says its ok. When im hitting the button to accept theres an issue from first picture. Ok so theres some problem. Im going to pa option. Shooting pict and the program want to rotate the ra axis for 60 degree. Accepted and the mount is moving. I dont see any movement in the app. I mean the mount is moving but in the app i still see 0 degree. After few sec of movement theres an warning to repeat the pa. Tried 6 times... Dont know if theres any option where i should check something with the mount position or theres a problem with the mount and aa connection. Any ideas? Thanks...
Hello, will the program work normally after restarting the App and ASIAIR?
If you still can't solve it, please submit a log after occurring the problem. Thanks in advance. (App-About- Bug Report)