Last night was clear and wind was at a minimal. No moon, no neighbor's lights. Polar alignment plate solving started fine, but as soon as I got closer to fine tuning the alignment, plate solving kept failing. I tried increasing exposure to 10 seconds and then decreasing it, all the way down to 1/2 second.
Weird thing is before plate-solving failed it said it detected over 4000 stars. That doesn't seem right. If it were detecting that many stars, why would it fail? I tried both telling ASIAIR the focal length (2032mm) and also putting "0" as the focal length to let AAP figure it out. Neither seemed to succeed in finishing the plate solving.
Any help is much appreciated. I've had no problem plate solving with my 100mm and 130mm refractors. My camera is the ASI2600MC and I checked the FOV and it's within spec for the ASIAIR Plus to plate solve..