Hello all:
I have been using a Skywatcher EQ6-Ri since January with much success in my newbie AP hobby. Most recently, after a PA (using ZWO ASIAir plus), I go to a star to make sure the mount moves to the right target, adjust a rough focus if needed, before I use Plan mode to capture my intended target. Once I know I am ready to initial Plan, I send the mount to its "home" position. Recently, the mount Dec does not return to the PA position but is off by about 25 degrees. Once the Plan executes, the capture, focus and tracking is perfect. The last few nights I captured more than 240, 60sec frames on 4 targets with no issue. When the Plan ends, I check the box to send the mount back to Home. Once again, the home position is about 25 degrees off.
I checked with Skywatcher techs, who told me not to worry as long as the capture is good. He suggested that perhaps the ASIAir Plus, which is controlling everything, is stopping the mount from getting back to the original position when it is sending the mount home for some reason.
Over the last 6 months, this situation has occurred several times, but more recently, every time. Does anyone have any experience with this issue and any suggestion on what to do or not do considering the fact that the captures are not affected by this problem.
I have exhausted all resources and they all suggest the issue hs something to do with the ASIAir or perhaps as a result of any recent updates to it.