Hi I am having this same question.
Is it possible to start dithering in the dithering menu of the Asiar Mini without having the autoguiding cam and guidescope attached. Since I thought dithering only is a seperate instruction to the mount anyway.
I am using a laptop now but want to start with Asiar instead for transportability and ease of control and use with a smartphone app.
My arguments for that are as follows.
First, I only have light mount (Skywatcher AzGTi), main cam and lens. I want to astrophotograph and travel as light as possible.
I do not see the Dithering menu mention anything about needing to have Guiding started.
Second, And added to that is that I have reached very good and stable polar alignment with my Skywatcher AZGTI mount , which is standing on a very stable concrete floor. 20 arcseconds I can reach. So I already can do very long exposures while having no autoguiding in place.
I dont even have it. 300 seconds withouth any startrails at 250mm , even 600 seconds gave me no trails, but is way to long for me, you loose too much if you have to dump frames. I mainly use 120 seconds.
Third, I can imagine that a change like that has to work for many different gear that can be connected to the Asiair.
But if it could be at least an option to choose from yourself when youre sure you want it. Other control software has been implementing it as well, like Nina (which I am using now but want to leave), Apt and Ekos as far as I know.
So Autoguiding is adding cost, extra software to maintain and run and extra managing of cam and scope, plus a balancing disadvantage.
While dithering is necessary to control noise in the pictures before stacking.
I could see in the bbs that this question has been raised more often , and that you already looking into it for a long time.
( An answer from your Team in december 2019 was : About the Dither without Guiding feature, I have feedback to our team and added to the todos, AFAIK, it can be implemented but we need to do more research on it. For now, we can only do dither with guiding.)
I hope you can make it work soon.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Wil Vree