Foobaria ASIAIR Plus gets confused after PA, such that the next go-to object after the PA, can send the scope in completely the wrong direction and can result in scope damage.
OK, assuming that your abbreviation refers to Polar Alignment, this is pretty likely caused by the pier side changing between the time you started the Polar Alignment (when it does the first plate solve) to the time it finishes Polar Alignment.
When Polar Aligning, by neccessity, ASIAIR uses the slew function of the mount to perform that 60ยบ arc instead of a GOTO.
Mounts do not obey meridian flips when they are slewed, they only obey meridian flips when sent the GOTO command. Mounts would slew past the Meridian and ignore any pier-side rules (tis is why the ASIAIR polar alignment process is kinda dangerus). If you'd slewed past the Meridian, the pier side would be wrong after the polar alignment, and any GOTO command could result in pretty bad disaster.
The other reason for using a slew is to make sure the mount does not make any declination movement whatsoever. For mounts that have internal precise models, a GOTO command can move the declination motor, even if the declination value in the sky is left the same.
If, for some reason, your mount has changed pier side through the Polar Alignment process, you will need to ask the mount to go Home. Otherwise, it is lost (the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing). Mounts usually know where their home position is, irrespective of pier side, and it is a pretty safe command to issue. At completion of the Home command, the mount knows the pier-side to reference future movements.
If you are not sure of the pier side (you can find it in the hand controller of most mounts), you should Home the mount after performing a polar aligment, and definitely before you do anything else. I religiously home my mount right after every polar aligment, since it takes so little time anyway.
Now, you can ask ZWO to always home the mount right after performing a Polar Alignment, but that is a different feature request.