Nineplanets Do you happen to know where the ASIAIR gets its timesource from? Is it from the phone? Any idea of how accurate this is?
I don't know for certain, but it almost for sure is getting the time services from the tablet's OS API (so there is a latency from getting the time from the tablet to the ASIAIR device), unlike INDIGO, which can get the time directly from a GPS dongle (in the case of INDIGO Sky, USB GPS dongle plugged into the Raspberry Pi).
If it is an Apple tablet, the tablet is most likely getting the time from an NTP server at (a bunch of stratum 1 servers, apparently).
This is what the UI looks like on macOS to select any other NTP server:
macOS connects to NTP once every 20 minutes or so (perhaps less often for iOS), and it depends on the crystal clock on the computer in between those times. A good TCXO Is good for 10ppm, but I don't know if the phones and tablets have that good a clock. So that should give you an idea of how (in)accurate the OS time server is.
This is a nice stratum 1 NTP server using GPS as the source, but it will be a cold day in hell before ASIAIR lets you connect to it.
I have a couple of their GPS frequency references and they work like a charm.