I have been putting my new ASIair Plus through its paces and have found an odd anomaly with the four voltage outputs.
Firstly, the outputs are incredibly unwilling to be either switched on when off, or off when on. For example when I slide each slider across from Off position it turns green, and then as soon as I take my finger off the iPad screen it switches back to the Off position. In the end I managed to turn them all On, but now they are similarly resistant to being turned off.
Secondly, I have noticed some odd things about the voltages measured. There’s a small discrepancy between the voltage displayed on Outputs 1, 2 & 3 i.e. 11.8V displayed and 12.03V measured. OK. No huge problem there. But on Output 4 I see 0.4V displayed and 12.03V measured - as per screen shot below.
Thirdly when choosing Dew Heater I measure 12.03V at 100% output and 10.9V at 5% output, and values in between at intermediate outputs.
I should add that the ASIair does power my ASI2600 camera and two dew heaters alright.
Is what I’m seeing here consistent with what others see with their ASIair Plus?