I can get ASI AIR to recognise the mount and even use GOTO but not that accurate but that is another issue... But main problem is using ASIAir for planet imaging. As the Planet is moving out of the FOV if via the ASI AIr I send a correction it seems to break tracking and the object quickly moves out of view even at the slowest slew speeds.
If I use the HC it's fine but the point of the ASIAir is that I don't need to be sitting beside the mount. Also when I use my original setup with FC on my laptop and connected to mount, using the controls within FC I am able to keep object in FOV without too much trouble and tracking keeps going. If I can't get a fix for this I am going to have to give up on the ASIAir and use a mini PC with Remote control running FC and SharpCap. Reason I got the AA+ was because I wanted to start doing EAA but not at the expense of Planetary Imaging. Can't see how you can do EAA with the AA+ when any correction to centre image breaks tracking.
I am saying breaks tracking but that is all I can describe it as and have tried going in opposite direction, but its not just a wrong direction thing. because at a 1X speed it should not send the object completely off the full fov.