Thanks andybutt !!!!!
I've found in the PHD2 log within the ASI air a "Dither" field, and it says "both axes"... but I have the guiding camera configuration set to OFF to prevent Dithering...
Log PHD2 of the ASIair
"...Guiding Begins at 2023-10-05 21:37:07
Dither = both axes, Dither scale = 1.000, Image noise reduction = none, Guide-frame time lapse = 0,
Server enabled, Pixel scale = 3.16 arc-sec/px, Binning = 1, .."
And now the doubt is whether, despite not wanting it to internally, the ASI air may still perform Dithering, as indicated by this field. Since not all Dithering fields are configured, it may attempt to move the image on its own accord.