I have tried importing SER files of Jupiter I produced from ASICap the other night into other tools such as Siril, AstroSurface, PIPP, etc. and none are able to read the files. Some crash, others produce errors...
That said, I can use ASIVideoStack to watch the frames from the SER file (and even stack the video), so somehow it is able to read these files while other systems can't. Is there a way to fix the non-standard SER files?
Auto Exp Max Exp = ms
Auto Exp Max Gain =
Auto Exp Target Brightness =
Bin = 1
Brightness = 3
Capture Area Size = 3840 * 2160
Capture Limit = 2000frames
Colour Format = RAW16
Debayer Preview = OFF
Debayer Type = RGGB
EndCapture = 2023-10-07T22:03:18.718Z
Exposure = 18ms
Flip = None
FrameCount = 2000
Gain = 300
Hardware Bin = OFF
High Speed Mode = OFF
Mono Bin = OFF
Output Format = *.SER
Raw Format = OFF
StartCapture = 2023-10-07T22:01:54.072Z
StartX = 1920
StartY = 1080
Temperature = 29.4 C
TimeZone = -7
Timestamp Frames = OFF
USB Limit = 100
USB Port =
White Balance (B) =
White Balance (R) = 62