Just got an ASI camera and playing with ASIStudio in macOS. Everything seemed to work but then had problems with ASILive - it Opens (instantiates?) first time but after Quitting it wouldn't Open again. Looked further and found that although it seemed to Quit it hadn't - it was still in the Doc and I had to Force Quit. It then starts ok. Have just upgraded to macOS 14.1.2 on a MacBook Pro M1 - not sure if it was OK with 14.1.1.
Not figured how to attach the Force Quit report as text ... so here are the first bits of it:
Force Quit \
\cf0 Date/Time: 2023-12-03 10:57:46.521 +0000\
End time: 2023-12-03 10:59:41.848 +0000\
OS Version: macOS 14.1.2 (Build 23B92)\
Architecture: arm64e\
Report Version: 44\
Incident Identifier: 2A899B91-0F3E-4BCE-BDDD-45E238B04A88\
Data Source: Stackshots\
Shared Cache: 6D1AEEAC-D56F-3513-9AE1-3894FDE828F3 slid base address 0x18aa2c000, slide 0xaa2c000 (System Primary)\
Shared Cache: 926A5DBA-1202-3711-9462-94BB6FD43274 slid base address 0x7ff814550000, slide 0x14550000 (Rosetta)\
Shared Cache: 3D4A3000-268A-3F91-8927-34F21C2873C2 slid base address 0x1c5c80000, slide 0x45c80000 (DriverKit)\
Command: ASILive\
Path: /Applications/ASIStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/ASILive.app/Contents/MacOS/ASILive\
Identifier: com.ZWO.ASILive\
Is First Party: No\
Architecture: x86_64 (translated)\
Parent: launchd [1]\
PID: 1776\
Time Since Fork: 128s\
Event: hang\
Duration: 115.33s\
Duration Sampled: 1.10s (process was unresponsive for 114 seconds before sampling)\
Steps: 11 (100ms sampling interval)\
Hardware model: MacBookPro18,1\
Active cpus: 10\
HW page size: 16384\
VM page size: 16384\
Time Since Boot: 950s\
Time Awake Since Boot: 950s\
Time Since Wake: n/a (machine hasn't slept)\
Fan speed: 0 rpm\
Total CPU Time: 1.411s (1781.3M cycles, 3.8G instructions, 0.47c/i)\
Advisory levels: Battery -> 3, User -> 2, ThermalPressure -> 0, Combined -> 2\
Free disk space: 70.63 GB/926.35 GB, low space threshold 3072 MB\
Vnodes Available: 63.20% (156466/247572, 215852 allocated)\
Preferred User Language: en-GB\
Country Code: GB\
OS Cryptex File Extents: 1457\
Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically\
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting\
Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:\
11 start + 1942 (dyld + 25510) [0x204f833a6]\
11 main + 4326 (ASILive + 1075622) [0x104c3e9a6]\
11 QApplication::QApplication() + 945 (QtWidgets + 49393) [0x1109e80f1]\
11 QCoreApplication::QCoreApplication() + 80 (QtCore + 2006800) [0x112c35f10]\
11 QThreadPoolPrivate::waitForDone(int) + 195 (QtCore + 164003) [0x112a740a3]\
11 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108 (QtCore + 174092) [0x112a7680c]\
11 ??? (QtCore + 174251) [0x112a768ab]\
11 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 17934) [0x7ff81494c60e]\
*11 psynch_cvcontinue + 0 (com.apple.kec.pthread + 18204) [0xfffffe000b7b0c4c]\
Process: ASILive [1776]\
UUID: DE1D13E9-01C9-3880-AFC5-235BC93D7E59\
Path: /Applications/ASIStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/ASILive.app/Contents/MacOS/ASILive\
Identifier: com.ZWO.ASILive\
Is First Party: No\
Shared Cache: 926A5DBA-1202-3711-9462-94BB6FD43274 slid base address 0x7ff814550000, slide 0x14550000 (Rosetta)\
Architecture: x86_64 (translated)\
Parent: launchd [1]\
UID: 501\
Footprint: 51.74 MB\
Time Since Fork: 128s\
Num samples: 11 (1-11)\
CPU Time: 0.001s (1656.7K cycles, 476.1K instructions, 3.48c/i)\
Note: Unresponsive for 114 seconds before sampling\
Note: 1 idle work queue thread omitted\