Last night my AA+ was tracking and guiding well on M45 at the flip it did indeed flip and the kept flipping back and forth until I had to stop it. It would flip, try to find center, flip again, try to find center again and so on until I stopped it. I sent the mount Home did a PA again then selected M42 from the Air's GoTo menu. It centered began guiding and the autorun proceeded normally until the flip for that target. Then the same thing happened. After I stopped it I choose M42 from the recents menu and the scope slewed to point at the ground. Tried that a few times even did another PA and still the same result. Any ideas what would cause this behavior? Date and time were correct, using mains power. It was cold low 30s.
I never did shut the entire system down until I quit for the night. Probably should have tried that to reset everything. I hope that does it because tonight's forecast is very good.