The triggering of the asi6200mm pro with the trigger pin in the aviator connector does not work.
HARDWARE: I am closely following the ZWO-provided OEM document (attached to e-mail). Pin 1 and pin 2 of the aviator connector (Hr10A 7R 6P plug) are connected to the trigger signal (12V, compatible with the 3.3V-15V indicated by ZWO). Pin 1 (red wire) is the signal pin, and pin 2 (yellow) is the signal ground. Pins 3 to 6 are not connected.
SOFTWARE: Compliant with the example in the OEM document: camera settings are adapted in the main thread. The camera Mode is set to the rising edge trigger, and the video capture is started. The reading of the image is performed in a second thread by repeating (in a while loop) a "get video data" call. The trigger is checked but does not trigger the camera! I have tried triggering with both rising and falling edge and with a highlevel trigger.
RESULT: The camera does not react to the trigger. Even though the camera is in the correct mode, the trigger is verified with an oscilloscope.