I've tried All Sky PA twice now in the same location only a couple of days a part. Slew the mount to random southeast chunk of sky and it did what it was supposed to do. The main difference between this and NCP PA is when you first try the manual adjustments the yellow circle doesn't move much at first. The first time I started over and then decided to turn the azimuth knob a few times and then I saw movement. Finally got it adjusted to within 20" . I then slewed to the southwest, plate solved and synced the mount and then over to the north east to plate solve and sync the mount. I then targeted a star. It found the star, back off a little bit and returned and the start was centered. Focused and then Go To Horsehead, located and centered. My first time using this feature and it seemed to work just fine.
The second time was two nights later. I don't know if it was because of some high thin clouds but Go To was out to lunch. Again, All Sky PA. Two slews to southeast and east to plate solve and sync to mount. These two plate solves and sync have been working for me to insure Go To and center works but tonight was a no go..to. ASIAir would find the target, blue on red, plate solve and instead of backing off a little and coming back to the target to plate solve with a centered target, it takes off slewing to la la land.
Can high wispy clouds cause Go To to malfunction despite plate solving OK?
I guess this is why its experimental feature. But its been experimental for 2 years.
I'll have to move the mount further out to clear a tree to see Polaris. Though All Sky would work more than once.
I'm testing on V2.1.2 build 38 and 41. Worked on 38 the first time.
ASIAir Easy as 1, 2,...∞