Good question. I have an ASIAir Plus 256, C8 SCT, Celestron OAG, ASI174MM Mini. I changed my settings down. From the default. I’m playing around with 500 and 300s for DEC and RA and Calibration steps.
I found some YouTube videos that might help. Also download the PHD2 user manual. I’m just starting to read the manual. I’ve read ZWO uses this in ASIAir.
I can’t say I understand guiding as much as would like. I have just started using guiding with my setup for only a month with my OAG
The only advice I’ve gotten is to “experiment with the settings”
I try to get my guiding to be within 1”. Sometimes DEC is is way under then sometimes RA is way under, with the other being between 1” and 1.5” and sometimes they’re both under 1”. I notice it takes several minutes for the guiding to settle down after switching from calibration. The ASIAir will switch from calibration to guiding even though the cross hairs are not on the star but within the green box. DEC always seems to be off the chart in the beginning then eventually comes zooming down to meet the RA. When that occurs I’ll take a test 120sec test exposure and if looks good I’ll start the sequence.
I wonder what the guide camera exposure setting has to do with these settings? I have my gain set to max, 400, and exposure to 1 sec. Does calibration step setting need to be at the same? If calibration steps is set to 2000ms should the camera exposure be set at 2 secs?
Also, since you have an AVX mount can you try this test? Do you use the Live stacking feature and have noticed mount disconnect error messages. Select a target, start guiding, in ASIAir select the Live feature. Open the hamburger icon and set up a lights sequence, say 60sec exposure for 30 minutes or longer. Start the sequence. As each exposure is taken ASIAir will stack in real time. When I perform this after a random amount images have been stacked I get a “ mount disconnected” error message. When I use Autorun with guiding I don’t see the error.