The attached photo is from SkySafari. I've set the time ahead to 9:31PM. So,Bode's Galaxy is short of the 30° line. The white curve to the far right is the celestial equator. The error message says I need to point the scope somewhere on the other side on the 30° line, the next orange line to the right? Is this an ASIAir restriction or if I was using PHD2 on a laptop or miniPC I would get a similar error?
Let me know if I'm getting this correct.
So I need to slew the scope past the 30° line and the start guiding on a random piece of sky? ASIAir will choose a star to calibrate on and then switch to guiding. When it starts guiding, I then use Go To to slew to Bode's and center.
Will guiding then pick up a new star around Bode's Galaxy to guide on and use the previous calibration and switch to guiding?
So I need to turn on the guide setting to save the calibration data before I start this process? I currently don't have it set to save calibration.
So in a typical evenings session if you are going to image a couple of targets you only calibrate once then move around to different targets and guiding will then pick up a new star and bypass the calibration step?