Mount is AVX, latest firmware. I have the Celestron polar scope in the mount. I use the polar scope first using PS Align Pro App to get the polar scope aligned correctly. When using ASIAir PA I get total error down to 0 0 x usually on the 5” reticle or closer. AVX is difficult to get closer than 5”.
I’m using a C8 SCT with a Celestron OAG and ASI174MM Mini. Camera is Nikon D5100 DSLR using. 6.3 focal reducer. I’m using V2.1.2 beta.
When it starts guiding I’ve seen DEC out 25” or more. Only RA is on the graph. Gradually DEC will come back down and eventually settle down with RA after several minutes. If Dec is so far out why doesn’t it not keep calibrating or give an error message. I usually see guiding between .5” and 1.5” once DEC joins RA on the graph. I remember a few times when I first sorted guiding, about a month ago that calibration seemed to center on the star then switch to Guiding mode but lately it’s been acting as shown in the photo.
I have DEC set to 100% aggressive. I’ve tried that parameter at lower settings also. The Mount guiding rate is set to .9X. Calibration I set to 2000ms, RA and DEC 300ms. I do t know what those parameters mean. I’m trying to read the PHD2 manual because ZWO doesn’t offer any documentation.
Thanks for any assistance.