I've not been able to sync mount when pointing close to the NCP. I can plate solve OK. I get an error saying something to the affect of moving off at least 5 degrees to sync mount.
I've experienced ASIAir crazies but then I'm using a C8 SCT and AVX mount. Tried to locate and center on Bode's Galaxy with my 585MC. ASIAir found it and plate solved and usually backs off a bit then comes back on the target to plate solve to check centering then reports centered but this time it decide to head off to another part of the sky. Slapped on my Nikon D5100, restarted everything, but didn't do another PA and it found Bodes Galaxy. I guess the 585MC sensor was too small a FOV while the D5100 is APS-C. I wonder how large the star database in ASIAir is compared to the ASTAP star databases, D80, D50, D20.