tarbat Is there a setting somewhere to turn that on?
After you tap the "start" icon (the two semicircles chasing themselves) you should see stars appearing on the guide window.
If you pick a star (by tapping on it) before starting guiding (the target-like icon), you will be guiding on that star. If you don't pick any star before starting guiding, ASIAIR will use multi star, like the screenshot that you have just posted.
I too use a couple of strain wave geared mounts (Korean) and with the current version of ASIAIR, using 0.5 second frame rates, I get 0.35" total RMS error (as long as there is no wind) by using a moderately small guide scope (Askar FMA180-pro) and an ASI178MM guide camera with ZWO gain set to 270 (27 dB). A little better with a Borg 55FL with the TS Optics 1.0x flattener) especially when seeing is not as good. I typically get 12 stars by the time I use a gain of "150," and the extra 10 dB of gain is to saturate the brightest stars and force ASIAIR to reject them (read my earlier postings on star SNR distribution why you want to ignore bright stars when doing multi-star guiding).
By the way, if your polar alignment is good, the declination graph (the red line) should show almost no error, and if you are close to the pole (e.g., near M81+M82), the RA graph (the blue one) should also quiet down a lot. If the graph does not quiet down, the error is coming from ASIAIR's multi-star centroid averaging computation from the guide frames that it is given. A good guide scope/camera set up should get it down to less than 0.2" RMS for each (declination, and for RA near the pole) -- good guide algorithms can do better, but you get what you get with ASIAIR.